I love movies.
Watching them. Making them. Writing about them.
I'm serious about helping filmmakers tell their stories and reach their audience.
An unexpected benefit of searching for a new job
The first time I nearly drowned was in a pool. The second was on a film set.
Three days rewatching old videos and assembling case studies suggests a creative path forward.
A three day, two night retreat to focus on the roles I assume and the values I claim to hold.
Grisebach's "Western" and the delicate balancing of scripted fiction and reality.
Still trying to play catchup with the very best films of the last two decades.
The best of what I watched last year.
I feel like I’m letting myself and my own hang ups get in the way of the character and the story.
Music has always been a mystery to me when it comes to my own narrative films.
It’s something I puzzle over. Ruminate on. Pace the room thinking about.